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gMaps is again best navigation app for Windows Phone

I recently opened Store app on Lumia 925 and was surprised.
Turns out, after so many years, gMaps is still the best navigation app out there.

gMaps is top 1 free navigation application for Windows Phone 8.1! Yay!


gMaps Pro (paid version already including all features of gMaps) is top 2 paid navigation application for Windows Phone 8.1

Here you are, facts :)

gMaps is top free navigation app for Windows Phone

gMaps is top2 paid navigation app for Windows Phone

We put a lot of energy into gMaps and are striving for the quality and features.

If you have any ideas how to make the app better, or any other feedback, feel free to contact us using gmaps feedback email address or gMaps uservoice.

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